One important objective of EUCoM project is that generated results are adequately disseminated. This will ensure further use of the scientific and technical results obtained after the lifetime of the project. Among other dissemination activities, the communication of project results and standardization requirements to standardization bodies are actively being carried out. In this sense, standardization bodies are being succesfully involved in several meetings, most notably the ISO/TC213/WG10 group which is working …Read More
M18 meeting in Braunschweig
The 5th and 6th November 2019, the Month 18 meeting from EUCoM project was held in Braunschweig (Germany), where the colleagues from PTB (German Metrology Institute), warmly welcomed the rest of the EUCoM partners in their facilities. During the two day meeting the advances in the different activities were presented by all the participants and several decisions about the upcoming tasks were taken. The progress of the project is considered correct and the …Read More
10th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography
The paper called “Uncertainty of CT dimensional measurements performed on metal additively manufactured lattice structures” was presented in the “10th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography” that was held the days 4-7 February 2020.